Friday, August 7, 2009

I'm a young mom. Yayy! :)

Oh God, no, I’m not pregnant. It’s just that I have babies already.
Not literally babies, silly. Just those things that I can call my “babies”.
So anyway, my babies’ names are somehow inspired by the TV series that I watch.
Like One Tree Hill. Well, I like the show, I don’t love it. But there are some characters and couples there that I really love. Like Brooke Davis and Lucas Scott. God, I love seeing them together! But that’s it. That’s just it. Just all about Brooke and Lucas. Well, all about Brooke I daresay. Enough about One Tree Hill, let’s talk about my favorite and the BESTEST show in whole universe! Grey’s Anatomy! *Applause*
Every time I watch any of its episodes, I feel loads of emotions. In fact, I always cry. Well, naturally I’m not a cry baby but this show melts my heart. Awww.
Also the show makes me feel in love and inspired with all the romantic scenes. REALLY! Especially the Dark and Twisty Meredith Grey and my real life McDreamy, Derek Shepherd. ♥ I soo love them together! And I like Addison too.

I’ll show my babies.

Here’s Chizzie. This was given to me during my 18th Birthday. It’s from Chinny, one of my HS friends. And I name here CHIZZIE. Chi came from Chinny. And Zzie came from Izzie Stevens of Grey’s Anatomy played by Katherine Heigl. Izzie of Grey’s Anatomy is one of my favorite characters in the show. Just so you know. :P

I really like Brooke. She’s somewhat the Bitchy type but in a good way. And Lucas is sort of the good boy and/or son. I can’t explain it. I just like seeing them together. They really have GOOD CHEMISTRY.

So Brooke was given to me by my long lost Godmother. I haven’t seen her since birth and until now. And she just sent this via courier. While Lucas was given to me by Komiko, one of my HS friends, during my 18th birthday.

They look really good together. I mean, my baby Brooke and Baby Lucas. And like the casts of One Tree Hill, they have good chemistry. They blend very well.

You’re gonna hate me for this but I’m Gellidith. LOL. Yeah yeah, I mixed my name GELLI with the lead actress of Grey’s Anatomy, Meredith Grey. I mean, why not? *laughs* Gellidith was actually my brother’s stuffed animal. But I persuaded him to give it to me. And obviously, I succeeded! He used Gellidith when he joined and performed a story telling about a rabbit and turtle.
Honestly, in real life, my closest friends and family call me Pong. Because I’m like Pong Pagong (Pagong- Filipino word of Turtle). And so it fits! I’m Gellidith, I’m a turtle. And I have McDreamy and McVet. :)

McDreamy was given to me last Chirstmas 2008 by one of my best friends, Jezelle. She gave that to me in exchange for a yellow teddy bear. McVet was given to me during my 18th birthday also by my so-called daughter during HS, Reena.

McDreamy is Derek Shepherd, played by Patrick Dempsey. And McVet is Finn. The vet of Meredith and Derek’s dog. And he’s kinda cute. And in Grey’s Anatomy, both McDreamy and McVet are into Meredith. Great isn’t it?

Okay, I know I got you confused with all those names. But I just wanna share to the world my babies! And how I got their names and who gave them to me. If you’re confused, just watch the show or be a friend of mine. LOL.

I have 2 more favorite shows but I can’t seem to find any character that suits my stuffed animals. Not just yet. But I wanna have a baby named Addison and Pete of Private Practice, or the ladies of Desperate Housewives. That would be so great. Can’t wait for that moment! :)

PS: I wanna tell you their favorite lines but, they’re all tired already. Maybe next time. And it’s kinda late, like 12:38 AM.